In the past few days I’ve set up a CentOS dedicated server. I’ve always been working with Ubuntu Server or Debian before. Both distros have a lot in common but some things you just gotta know. Here’s a list of what I think is important for setting up a server. This is also a quick overview for me.
Installing a package with Yum (apt-get alike)
yum install <packagename> (use -y to say yes to all questions)
Boot service at startup
chkconfig –add <name> (to add service to list)
chkconfig –del <name> (to remove service from list)
chkconfig on (to start with default levels)
chkconfig –level 234 <name> on (to start with levels 2,3 & 4)
chkconfig –list (to see status of all)
Restart a service
service <name> restart
Quick LAMP setup
yum install httpd openssl php mysql php-mysql mysql-server php-gd
Apache directory
more to come…
P.S. I can recommend everyone to use a panel such as DirectAdmin instead of installing and setting up it all by yourself. If your hosting gives a option to use it for EUR 5 more/month DO IT. It will save you so much time!
Some nice links:
Building a secure Linux web server (LAMP) Guide by Ray Heffer
CentOS 5.1 Server Setup: LAMP, Email, DNS, FTP, ISPConfig (a.k.a. The Perfect Server)